

Americans are such sheep.
There is no scientific education anymore, it has all been polluted by editorial views of whoever happens to be teaching it at the moment. Even in Biology classes, the subject matter is injected with bitter political opinions. I mean, I realize this is Santa Cruz, but it is also supposed to be a respected academic institute.

In Infectious Diseases today, my professor actual ended an overview of a disease by saying, "But of course, the current Administration doesn't believe this actually exists, and disputes it fervently."

WHO CARES who thinks it exists??? If it is killing people, and we need to know about it, tell us about it in class. It doesn't matter who THINKS what about what, if it's an infectious disease what they THINK isn't going to stop it from killing people!!!

Yes, we're in Santa Cruz. Yes, I realize you hate Republicans. Yes, I am also of the opinion that the war sucks, and we shouldn't trust what we're being told.

But this is academia, people! I don't need to know what the president thinks about the existence of a disease that is killing people. The president's opinion is not going to be on the test, is not going to affect the disease in any way, and does NOT need to be injected into your lecture.