

Funny concept, that word.

When it's spelled with two "l"s its a type of holiday cake. Very popular in my family, popular in most European countries. Pretty good, too. Brings the eater feelings of joy.

But when spelled with only one "l," stolen means something completely different, and a lot less good. It means that one person out of the many in our community saw something they thought they should own, and shouldn't have to pay for. It means this person didn't think about anyone else from our community, lost in the moment of what he needs, and did something selfish.

The world sucks.

My phone is gone.

...that is all.


Gippa, Gippa, Gippa....

Today the world was rainy. Not torrential rain, but the quiet, peaceful kind. The sound of the rain striking the roof above me, and the leaves on the trees outside and the windows of the building was so beautiful, almost like static on the poorly-tuned radio that is my life. My pillow was soft, and my covers so warm, that I kept drifting back to sleep. When Illona came home, she opened her window just slightly so she could hear it better, then she too hid under her blankets. It was that kind of day.

I went to Latin anyway.

I got up, and put on jeans and fuzzy green socks. I wore both a sweatshirt and a raincoat, just to stay warm, and I tucked the bottoms of my jeans into my rain boots so they wouldn't get wet. Walking through the woods like this, watching my breath hit me in the face, I couldn't shake the feeling that I should be on a horse, guiding sheep. Iceland was definitely with me today.

And that was when I decided that the next time I get a dog, it's going to be named Gippa. It'll preferably be a little white dog, but that's not necessary... but of course, then I started to look for little white dogs, and I found a breed I like the look of, but can't seem to find out what breed it is. It is most definitely some sort of terrier, but all the names I find seem to be more shaggy than this little dog...

It may be some part Cairn Terrier, some part Parson Terrier, and/or West Highland Terrier. As you can see, I have very little idea. Well, this is what it looks like... This dog was also the subject of a series of youtube videos, and this particular one seems to be named "Cookie."

This kind of looks the same....

Except, the one named Cookie seems to have a brown spot on his back right above his tail, and some brown on his tail, and also lining his ears, and this one's just white...
In reality, any puppy would be loved and cared for the same as any other puppy I had. But it really is bugging me now that I can't figure out what breed this is...

Oh, well... It's not like I can get a puppy where I am... Maybe a turtle, though... Or a duck...

Yet Another Cat


This is the raw draft of an exercise for LTCR

When you’re at the top, there’s nowhere to go but down. It’s cliché, but true. Your parents were told by their parents were told by their parents before them. And after fourteen years of riding the high, the down came. It came down in three horrible days of pain, of suffering, and of sorrow. Being the first week of September it didn’t come as rain, but if it had rained the effect would be not the enhancement of the emotions, but the cleansing of them.

The first day was the first sign of something very wrong in a very long time. She knew things would go sour some day, and after those many happy years she expected it to come soon. But he hid it from her until that first day. He stopped eating that day, and he wouldn’t drink. She offered him water, and she offered him Gatorade, and he had refused both. He moped around the house, and just lay on the couch, not partaking in activities that generally provided him joy. He wouldn’t play with the cat, and he wouldn’t touch the puppy, though both these animals seemed to sense something was wrong, and wouldn’t really approach him like they usually did. He mostly slept all that day.

On the second day, after he had concerned her for a day, she followed him around, hearing his grunts, and watching his lethargic movements. He seemed indolent in his actions that day, as if it were lead that coursed through his veins, not the blood that was so thin. Or maybe it was the thinning of his blood that made him move more slowly. As if his life was in slow-motion as to afford him the chance to observe the whole day, see it for how normal it truly was. How much like all other days of his life this day was. And most importantly, how special that made it. The day was special because of how normal it was. Everything he did that day was exactly like he did it every other day of his life –save the not eating. And as he did so he reveled in the fact that this was his life.

On that third day, however, she could tell what was happening, and wouldn’t let him spend the day like every other day. She doted on him, following him around. The puppy retreated from the pair, wonted of her love, attention, and reassurance. These things he would not get from her this day, and it scarred him. To think that he would spend his best friend’s last day alone! She felt for the puppy, really she did. But this third day she needed to spend as a conclusion to the fourteen years with him. Hurt as he was, the puppy knew how important this was to her, and he turned to the cat, who wasn’t quite as mean or harsh in his play as he usually was. The cat wasn’t as spirited because he too would lose a best friend this day. He knew it. They all did. And they dealt with it each in his own way.

As the day drew to a close, she could feel him flickering, and she tried to be as helpful and comforting as she could for him. When she found him sitting on the grass she could tell it was drawing near, and she both hated the idea and loved that it provided a way out for him. When it finally happened they were together. He lay on his side, a merciful needle stuck in his leg. She held his head in her hands, giving him her love, support, and compassion until the very last. He looked up at her, and she could see fourteen years of love and devotion, pouring out of him. It spilled from his eyes, and splashed off the table. It ran off onto the floor, and she could feel it rising around her ankles. And soon it had filled the whole room, all the way to the ceiling, and she, she was drowning in it. And he with his relieved sighs, and her with the rivers on her face, were both completely covered, and floated in it, focused only on each other.


Excerpt from "Beer vs. Pot," by Bill Hicks

Alcohol is legal. They push alcohol twenty-four hours a day on tv. They push it down your throat: “Drink beer. Drink beer. Drink beer.” Why? Well, cuz it makes you slow and stupid with a docile attitude, and that’s the way we like you. You know, it’s only the number two killer in the world... But I’ve actually seen beer commercials during “war against drug” specials. No sense of irony, you know, no one f***ing gives a sh*t...
Marijuana... oh, you know... cigarettes- legal. Alcohol- legal. Kill more than all other illegal drugs combined... times one thousand. They aren’t illegal. Maijuana, a drug that kills... uh... no one... and, let’s put it in a time frame: ever. Marijuana’s against the law.
You tell me why. I don’t know. You want a better world, legalize pot.
It’s a better drug, I’m telling you! Here, I’ll prove it to you.
You’re at a ball game, you’re at a concert, and someone’s really violent, aggressive, and obnoxious, are they drunk, or are they smoking pot? Drunk! We all know the truth. I have never seen people on pot get in a fight, because it’s f***ing impossible. End of argument.
Say you get in a car accident, and you’ve been smoking pot. You’re only going four miles an hour... “I think we hit something.... It’s okay, I forgot we were going in reverse...” But at least no one was hurt. A garage door has to be replaced. Boom! A child is then created!