

Tonight I met a guy named Jesus. I had just finished my last final of the quarter, which I felt pretty good about, since I spent all day studying. I was sitting on a concrete pseudo-bench, waiting to be picked up, and he was walking by, smoking a cigarette, and changed his course to come over. I gave him some peanut butter M&M's, and he gave me a drag, and we introduced ourselves. He said that he had just broken up with his girlfriend, and had a rough day, and he was trying to keep himself occupied. He had drawn some tattoo art on commission, and was meeting up with the girl to get her approval. I told him I had just gotten out of class, and was going to go throw my little party, and extended him an invitation. We hung out for around three hours, with C, just smoking and talking, and showing each other our art, which looked eerily similar, captioned in handwriting that looked similar. We had everything to talk about, and there wasn't a moment of silence.

Then we went downtown, walked around and got Cold Stone, still talking about random experiences. And this whole other side of him came out. I was worried about the sketchiness of downtown (which smelled like shit, especially at the liquor store where he bought cigarettes), and he was so shocked by it that that's what preoccupied him for the next twenty minutes. He started telling stories about pulling a knife on his ex-girlfriend while breaking up with her, and she grabbed it and slashed his pinky (which was stupid on his part). Then there was a story about being banned from the boardwalk, and while still disallowed he got a job there and stole a bunch of money. Which, needless to say, didn't make me feel any less sketched out.

I have to say, I'm not that comfortable with how hardcore that is. But other than that, he seemed like someone I would get along with crazy well. We seem to be very similar people. :) C****'s only comment on him was that he "kept making eyes at her".... Frankly, I doubt that has the meaning she thinks. It had already been established they were both locals. If he was looking at her at all, he was probably just trying to place her. Or wondering why she wasn't adding to the conversation, cos she was just being silent a lot. Now that I know to look for that, I seem to be finding it in her an awful lot... Curious.

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