In a completely hypothetical way...
If two people have a relationship, and they split up, and he finds and marries someone else, and then the first couple starts having an affair.....
Who would be "the other woman?"
If two people have a relationship, and they split up, and he finds and marries someone else, and then the first couple starts having an affair.....
Who would be "the other woman?"
Since I know nobody reads this... I suppose it's just for me. Gosh that makes me feel lonely. Publish something that the entire freaking world can access, and there isn't one person out of 6 billion interested enough to read it... but anyway...
Non-existence sounds really great right about now...
I don't mean death... I love living, it can be incredibly fun. Just maybe suspended animation, or something. Some way to continue living in the future, but not have to be here right now.
Or, if it's possible, maybe I can have the part of my brain that controls emotions removed so I can stop beating myself up over the stupidest insignificant little things... hmmm. I wonder if that's even possible. I'm sure wherever that part of the brain is, it's been located already... probably in the frontal lobe... oh, wait...
This has already been done, popularized, and condemned... It's called Frontal Lobotomy... huh. Ironic.
But of course, without ANY emotion there really is no point to life...
Back to writing out mine.
"When I was young, my mother and I used to have fierce fights. We have 'philosophical differences' on how to live life (your average parent-child relationship). One of these arguments in particular left us both worn and drained, and I was on the verge of giving up. She told me to put my hands out and she hit them away, then she told me to put them out again, and she hit them away again. She kept asking and I kept reaching out, and then she stopped asking and I kept reaching out. 'That' she said 'Is what love is.'
"I have never since heard an explanation of the nature of love that is so simple and clear. We reach out to the ones that we love, knowing that we will get hurt and that we will be pushed away, expecting to get hurt and pushed away. Regardless, we continue to reach out to them because we love them and we know that they need us to reach out to them and offer our support even if they can't always say it."
This blog can be found in its original context here.