my spirit paper
So, I'm writing my spiritual journey...
... and two things are happening...
1) I'm on an amphetamine high, caused by 330mg methylxanthine and 300mg caffeine. Off and on during this trip my head hurts, I can't feel my fingertips, I've become increasingly dyslexic, my heart hurts, my right lung feels ready to collapse, I'm having trouble breathing, and there's a throbbing, yet dull pain on the right side of my lower back.
But my productivity is up about 750-800%, and I'm enjoying the increased introspection.
2) The more I write about it, the clearer it becomes. I've come to realize that the reason we weren't agreeing with each other before is that neither of us was truly listening to what the other was saying. I know we both probably heard each other, and to testify to this I can regurgitate what she was saying, and am better able to understand it. But we were both so preoccupied with trying to convey meaning, that we both forgot to truly listen and try to empathize. We were both so displaced by this that we were both completely skewed from our normal states of being.
Mmbien, I have to go finish this paper.