I've developed a new appreciation for Australians.
It's strange I never realized it before, it makes perfect sense...
Excuse me, for I don't mean to be crass, but may I just say...
Also, I think there needs to be a screenplay written for Kyle Gallner involving Michelangelo's David. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think the resemblance is uncanny...I don't know why...I don't think Gallner is even Greek... And his features are softer because he's definitely younger than David... But I don't think there is any one person on the planet who looks more like David...
So I think I'm going to take it upon myself to start writing this... Or at the very least start jotting down ideas for it. It's been long enough that hollywood has continued to thrive without some sort of tribute to Michelangelo...
And it's not like it will be easy for anyone... I still have to WRITE the damned thing, pitch it, and get it made... But don't think it stops there, it won't just be me who's working...
Obviously Gallner will have to start working out some,
because let's face it:
There are no 21 year old boys built like this. Or rather, there are, but they are few, and far between, and our lovely Kyle Gallner is just not one of them...
But yeah...
That's your horoscope for today...
600mg of Methylxanthine
for all those wondering, and even you who weren't: bad idea
So yesterday I spent fourteen hours learning about and utilizing moral psychology. (If I were you, I wouldn't ask about this. It's a big, long story that I don't want to tell, and you don't want to hear.) Around 11:20, I found myself wavering, and drank about 80%of an Upshot (270mg methylxanthine). The rest went to Yvette. Of course it did what it was supposed to, and I was able to continue for another few hours. At four thirty, we called it quits, and I fell asleep around 6:15. I woke up the next morning at 9 to work on another project, eerily similar. I had class at noon, so around 11:35 I drank another Upshot (330mg).
For the first hour, I was incredibly alive. I had an hour of heightened senses. I was better able to retain information, I was more eager and better able to participate in class discussion. Then I found I was more opinionated. Then I found I was more bitchy. Then I had a convulsion. A single moment of complete spontaneous muscle contraction. And then there's the nausea. I've been fighting that for about seven hours now. All I want to do now is puke, so I can sleep successfully.
In conclusion, this has been one of if not The most medically unsound decision I've ever made.
The human body is not made to take 600mg of such powerful stimulants within 24-hours, especially if so few of them are spent sleeping, so few eating. So I implore you to learn from my terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad mistake.
As a small addition, it took me until 3 in the morning to fall asleep.
The crappiest part was that I couldn't gag myself, no matter how I tried. For some reason I have incredible control over the suppression of my reflexes.
Holidays, California, and the Missing Link
A complaint filed by me, to me, during the winter holidays.
The holidays have always been a time of happiness and good will. We all trust that the celebration of the various religious holidays will overcome anything we may be feeling toward one another. In World War Two, there was a temporary hiatus in the battle between the German and British armies while the soldiers climbed from the trenches, and sung carols together on Christmas Eve. Today, government and big business alike release the indentured people, and allow them to celebrate with family and friends. Just the idea of spending a peaceful evening curled up by the fire spreads warmth into our hearts that spirits never could.
But for most Californians the winter season is not a time of peace and snow, but a time of terrifying torrential rain, which brings downed power lines, increased traffic jams, and terrifying gas and electric heating bills. The silent white we associate with the holidays has never shown itself in California, and the effect has become more and more noticeable- in the giant, fast cars we drive, in the hours we spend working, even in the way we interact with each other. Californians are a rude, selfish, aggressive people. Sure, we have our fun, but when it’s time to get things done we all prefer to have things run smoothly, and when that doesn’t happen, we get stressed out, and start biting off heads.
This lack of snow is unacceptable. California needs to be whipped into shape, and snow needs to start falling, if not for the beauty it’ll bring our state at least for the sanity of the people living here. Our people have been so snow deprived for so long that we have developed a powdered substitute that becomes snow when watered. As fun as this product is to watch, feel, and play with, it will never be a substitute for the calm, clean-slate feeling we get from a nice thick layer of real snow.