
Just so nobody knows...

Since I know nobody reads this... I suppose it's just for me. Gosh that makes me feel lonely. Publish something that the entire freaking world can access, and there isn't one person out of 6 billion interested enough to read it... but anyway...

Non-existence sounds really great right about now...

I don't mean death... I love living, it can be incredibly fun. Just maybe suspended animation, or something. Some way to continue living in the future, but not have to be here right now.

Or, if it's possible, maybe I can have the part of my brain that controls emotions removed so I can stop beating myself up over the stupidest insignificant little things... hmmm. I wonder if that's even possible. I'm sure wherever that part of the brain is, it's been located already... probably in the frontal lobe... oh, wait...

This has already been done, popularized, and condemned... It's called Frontal Lobotomy... huh. Ironic.

But of course, without ANY emotion there really is no point to life...


Back to writing out mine.

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