
A Community Mental Health assignment on how to address a community in crisis

ways i would, as a communist, go about helping the tent people
-Focus on the prevention, and how with future planning, etc. this wouldn't've been so bad
-not much you can do about change of environment... unless it was about moving your tent to another town where you might be able to find work? Oh! move out of the country! That's it! relocate to somewhere there are jobs
-perspective is that you're in the dumps. if, instead, you think about how far you just came w/out loss of life or limb, outlook is much better (if you came this far without loss of life or limb)
-strengths : weaknesses as team/community/tent-setting-up-skills : financial power/financial-planning-skills
-different skills b/w ppl have different levels of importance
-offer confidential counseling to anyone who requests it

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