
Where are you going?

What a question.

I wish I could tell you.

There is such a dilemma created by this question. Especially when there are conflicting destinations.

On the one hand, the destination is far away from home, and all the problems and current vexations. On the other, not so much movement, not so far from home, but with much better company than recent commonality. A choice to be pondered, especially if one is already committed to the latter- has been committed.

To choose the former would mean a good chance at happiness. There is very little there to negatively affect. The effects of the latter, while also therapeutic, are not so drastically felt. The draw to the latter, however, is that it was presented and committed to first, and to not choose it would be to betray those to whom the commitment was made. But to not choose the former would be to hinder the already damaged relationship with those involved.

It's a tricky decision to make, and I think what we choose says a lot about our personalities...

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