
Oh, Geoffrey.

Let me preface this by saying that I am incredibly sorry that your home is so small. I, too, wish you could break free, and swim to me. Also, I'm sorry that the rocks don't allow for you to bury yourself. I know you'd like to hide, and would probably be much warmer, and I'm working on getting you sand for these purposes. Also, I know you like things warmer, and I'm sorry I can't find any good way of saving you from the cold.

But I'm so excited to have you living with me. It gives me fireworks inside when you put your nose up toward mine, when it calms you that I'm near, and when you swim around I could watch you forever. I can't wait until you're old enough to sing. To hear you will be like watching rain from the warm side of a window.

Feel safe in knowing that I'll take care of you, and will never leave you. If at least one of us can have that constant, I'll be happy for you. You know that you are not alone. I need you like water in my lungs.

Happy Swimming!

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