I should be writing an essay right now...
I found out last night that my little sister was invited to the sixteenth birthday party of a set of twins she has known and been friends with for ten years. She was eager to go, of course, and looked forward to it for over a week. But when she got there, these sixteen-year olds were drinking and smoking, and their single mother was not in the house. So my little sister left. After a five minute walk she showed back up at my parents house, and informed them. My mom and their mom are good friends, so she'll undoubtedly hear about it.
But it brings me to tears with pride that my little sister has the will power and strength of character to walk away from people who she has loved and trusted for a decade rather than partake in such activities.
I have always known Babyladee was awesome, even without justification, but now I can prove it to those I tell. I also take solace in the fact that she is not as impressionable as I have previously believed, and can absolutely stand up for herself and what she believes is right, even if it's not popular. She is a hero.
I just wish I could hug her right now.
i've always been that way. i dont know why you think i'm so easily swayed.
and mom and dad werent home. they had gone out to dinner with steph. and i didnt tell them, they asked me if that was why i left.
and mollie told her mom and called me the next day worried as hell that i was mad at her.
That's good to know.
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